
Monday, July 31, 2017

CoolSculpting Exemplifies the Benefits of Non-Invasive Procedures for Fat Reduction

If you’re like most people, you aspire to achieving a trim and flat stomach. Just as those who aspire toward this goal, you probably also struggle to rid the last bit of fat in your lower belly.

Don’t despair, though. Part of the of the reason for this fat lies in your biology. The body’s fat cells actually contain two types of receptors: alpha and beta. The former inhibits the oxidation and release of fats as energy, while the latter promotes it. It turns out that fat cells in the belly area maintain a higher ratio of alpha than beta receptors, which explains why belly bounce is so hard to eliminate.

The Answer Isn’t Always Invasive

Of course, if you can’t burn off the stubborn fat, you can turn to medical experts who can provide treatments to address this issue. In recent years, liposuction has become increasingly mainstream, with about 220,000 procedures performed in 2014 alone. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2x3NlEr

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Adopt These Measures, Including Body Contouring, to Combat Flabbiness After Weight Loss

Losing even a little weight is a huge achievement, but losing 50 pounds or more is nothing short of a crowning moment. However, your struggle may simply shift to a different battlefield. When you rapidly lose a lot of weight, you’re sometimes left with flabby skin, lacking much mass, especially around your arms, legs, and midsection.

Why does this happen? As you might know, the skin is a living organ and adapts by gradually stretching or expanding when you gain weight. When you lose weight, your skin’s elasticity does not have enough time to adapt to your body’s new shape. It remains loose and flabby as a result.

Wielding excess skin rivals excess weight in unsightliness. It also minimizes all of your hard work toward trimming all those pounds. However, you can mitigate your weight-loss flab by adopting some routines and even exploring an advanced treatment toward tightening up. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2vE2854

Monday, July 24, 2017

Why Choose the Skin Tightening Procedure of Neocollagenesis

Your skin usually shows the first evident signs of aging on your body. It develops fine wrinkles that only become deeper and multiply over time. To reduce or deter the aging-skin process, many people look to skin tightening procedures.

Emerging treatments for skin rejuvenation involve radio-frequency and electromagnetic fields. Venus Legacy, for instance, combines radio frequency and electromagnetic fields to promote neocollagenesis, which refers to the process of generating more collagen. Collagen lifts and firms up the skin. Neocollagenesis continues to meet clinical testing standards for effectiveness and safety over the past five years. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2x3ZaKV

Friday, July 21, 2017

Top Three Reasons to Prefer the Non-Surgical Liposuction Procedure, Cryolipolysis

Overweight people have difficulty in finding time to focus on their weight loss regimen. As a result, many turn to surgical methods that offer a quick way of removing fats. In fact, since 2013, liposuction procedures on overweight and obese patients have risen. Liposuction has significant risks though such as complications from anesthesia and infections which may lead to death.

To address the hazards of liposuction, Dieter Manstein from the Massachusetts General Hospital and Rox Anderson from the Harvard Medical School developed a new non-invasive method that freezes fat called cryolipolysis (or CoolSculpting).

During a session, an applicator is placed on the targeted area and then set at a particular cooling temperature for a certain duration. CoolSculpting attacks adipocytes or fatty tissues while leaving the skin, muscles, and nerves unscathed. The fatty tissues are then eliminated after the body processes the fat and removes it from the body. An increasing number of clients now prefer non-surgical liposuction, and here are the top three reasons why. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2wLMI2j

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Why Should You Choose Cellulite Reduction Through Neocollagenesis?

At some point in their lives, around 80 to 90% of women will gain cellulite, or skin dimples and nodes forming after subcutaneous fat cut into and distort connective tissues. Though both men and women may develop cellulite, this is more prevalent among women due to their distinct fat, muscle, and connective tissue distribution that allows them to store fats more easily. Furthermore, aging increases the risk of accumulating cellulite because of declining skin elasticity. Pregnancy and weight gain can cause cellulite as well.

To diminish cellulite safely, you can try neocollagenesis, a medical procedure that uses thermal therapy to stimulate collagen production. Several methods are used to prompt neocollagenesis, although non-invasive energy-based systems that apply radio frequency (RF) and electromagnetic pulses are the norm today. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2wLNSe0