
Thursday, October 12, 2017

What You Need to Know About Botox and How It May Benefit You

Aging skin has reduced elasticity, often resulting in noticeable lines and wrinkles in visible areas that become more prominent with normal facial expressions. Approved for use for cosmetic purposes since the late 1980s, Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA) has become a reliable treatment for patients wishing to avoid plastic surgery as an option or wanting to address imperfections.

Much has been said about the numerous benefits of Botox, but do you actually know how it benefits you?

How Botox Treatment Works

Botox works by blocking signals sent from nerves to muscles. The botulinum toxin removes wrinkles by temporarily paralyzing muscles so they aren't able to contract. Performed an outpatient treatment, Botox is administered to the affected area in the form of an injection. A fine needle is used to place the injection into specific muscles causing the wrinkles or lines. Any discomfort experienced during treatment is usually mild. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2yaLiz4

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

4 Reasons to Consider CoolSculpting in Removing Stubborn Fat

Involving the use of controlled cooling, the purpose of CoolSculpting (cryolipolysis) is to eliminate fat that won't go away with diet and exercise efforts. The treatment targets and kills fat cells in common "stubborn areas" in the thighs, abdomen, and flank (upper abdomen, back, and sides).

If you are still on the fence about CoolSculpting, here are four reasons to consider the treatment to address stubborn fat problems.

CoolSculpting Is Non-Invasive

CoolSculpting is not a surgical procedure, nor is it a procedure like liposuction or gastric bypass. The non-invasive treatment is done as an outpatient procedure and can be completed during a typical lunch break. In fact, sessions typically last about an hour. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2y7ugQh

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Skin Tightening Can Be a Vital Part of Prep for Female Fitness Competitors

Many women are discovering that sports like bodybuilding and fitness competitions are providing women of all ages a way to shape their bodies. With the rigors of strict dieting and frequent gym training, at the end, most female bodybuilding competitors have one great concern. This is the look of their skin.

Tone, evenness, and tightness are key factors in staged competitions -- which is why competitors lather tanning products on their skin to give their bodies more definition under the lights. Non-surgical skin tightening techniques are another great way for them to supplement training and look their best. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2yU3p9m

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Everything You Need to Know Before Getting Lip Injections

If you’ve been envious with the full, plump lips that numerous celebrities proudly show off, you must understand that most of them are born with it. Genetics play a key role in the way you look. If your mother and father both had thinner lips, the odds are good that you will, too. Though you can find products designed to naturally pump your lips, the effects of those products wear off after several hours or less.

Lip injections serve as a possible solution to the thin lips you were born with and the thin lips that you dislike. Injections will last longer and give you the big results that you want, but there are some things you should know before your appointment. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2zj1sV7

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Considering Lip Augmentation? Keep These Dos and Don’ts In Mind

Lip augmentation produces fuller, plumper, natural-looking lips. It’s a common cosmetic enhancement designed to improve your lips’ shape, volume, and structure. Fillers similar to hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally found in your body that helps keep skin tissues healthy, are usually injected to achieve the desired results.

If you are considering the procedure, keep these dos and don’ts in mind to make your experience a positive one.

Do Have an Idea of Your Desired Look

The greater detail you can provide, the more likely you are to be satisfied with the results of lip enhancement. Many patients use photos of celebrities to suggest what look they prefer. You may also be shown different images of people with similar facial features so you can get a better idea of what will work best for you. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2z2sSxm

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Today’s Non-Surgical Liposuction Technique Is Effective, Safe, and Pain-Free

Liposuction has certainly come a long way. No longer is it an experience that requires significant surgery or even a long recovery time. There is no more unsightly scarring following the procedures, either. Liposuction techniques have successfully transitioned into a non-surgical liposuction technique called CoolSculpting. Here we will consider the many advantages of choosing to remove fat from the body without having to resort to unwanted and disruptive surgery and also look at the history of the technique’s development and hot it actually works.

CoolSculpting proves to be the only Food and Drug Administration approved fat-freezing procedure for removing unwanted and unsightly fat. This completely non-surgical treatment employs cooling to get rid of that stubborn fat that simply won’t respond to exercise and diet alone. It yields indisputable results which are noticeable, proven, and long lasting as well. Thanks to these many positive attributes, CoolSculpting has become the top non-surgical fat reduction treatment in the world. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2z47YOK

Friday, September 1, 2017

How Does Fat Freezing Work? Understanding Its Benefits and the Process Behind It

If someone told you a procedure existed that could literally freeze the fat cells in your body and remove them forever, you might think that sounds a little too good to be true. Yet it is. Fat freezing does exist, and the procedure can have lasting and effective results without using invasive techniques.

How does fat freezing work?

Fat freezing, or cryolipolysis, is a treatment designed to destroy fat cells by using cutting-edge machines to freeze them and allow the body to excrete the dead cells naturally. During the treatment, patients sit in a reclining position while a type of suction cup is attached to their skin. The cup is similar to the suction apparatus used on vacuum cleaners, and the size and shape of the cup will vary depending on the area being treated. The machine sucks the tissue into the suction cup so that it can be frozen. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2zjdk9L

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Learn the ABC's of Lip Injections Containing Hyaluronic Acid and Their Benefits

Many people, mostly women, choose to undergo lip injections for various reasons. Some of them want to sensually enhance themselves, while others simply believe that fuller lips better fit their other facial features or their personalities.

There’s a reason why lip injections are one of the most popular types of lip augmentation. Lip injections make use of a dermal filler to improve the plumpness of your lips. Nowadays, the most common fillers are composed of substances comparable to hyaluronic acid, a natural substance in the body that helps boost lip volume. Learn more about hyaluronic-acid lip injections and what to do before and after lip injections for a safe, effective treatment.

Functions of Hyaluronic Acid Fillers

Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance found in human skin and can be used as a cushion or lubricant for joints and tissues. Hyaluronic acid fillers can enhance lip appearance by boosting shape, volume, and form. Consequently, unlike other lip injections, these fillers can last for nine months, depending on the brand. Thereafter, you need additional injections to maintain full lip volume. Some of the common brands are Restylane, Juvederm, and Hylaform. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2vm3RvZ

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The 5 Best Cellulite Reduction Methods for Men and Women of All Ages

Cellulite is something that can affect even those in great physical shape. Jillian Michaels started her career as a personal trainer and gained fame on the hit television show “The Biggest Loser” before launching her own line of weight loss products, but if you look at her body closely, you’ll see the telltale signs of cellulite on her lower body. Caused by excess fat in certain parts of the body, cellulite can make your skin look dimpled and impact your self-esteem. The best cellulite reduction methods listed below will help you take back your body.

Do Weight Training

You can eliminate the cellulite plaguing you by doing weight training. This requires using smaller weights as you work on the areas of your body marked by cellulite. The downside to weight training is that it can take months before you see any results. Some people also find that it doesn’t work as effectively as they would like and that they still have dimpled areas of skin. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2zjhwGo

Friday, August 25, 2017

Debunking 4 of the Most Prominent Misconceptions About Body Contouring

When something becomes popular, plenty of talks begin to surround it. Some of these talks are true, some not. In the process, a few myths get created and propagated. Such is the case with body contouring.

There’s no doubt that body contouring and skin tightening are growing in popularity. As a result, a lot of bad information have come out on these procedures. It’s time to set the record straight on four of the most common body contouring myths.

Body contouring is painful

There are different types of body contouring treatments. Although some are painful, some feature little to no pain at all. Popular medical spas like Great Price Body Sculpting provides a variety of procedures that come with minimal downtime and pain, which means you can get back to your everyday activities immediately. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2z3d8ua

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Helpful Tips to Prepare for Your Very First Lip Augmentation Procedure

Having soft, pouty lips is sure to add appeal to any woman, which is why many take great pains to create the illusion using makeup and lipstick. For others, however, they would much rather have ready-made lips so that they’ll look great even if they only have enough time to rush a gloss on.

The latter method requires cosmetic intervention, though, specifically lip augmentation. This is the process of injecting fillers into the lips to get it a bit fluffier and softer. Even if it may be a minor procedure, however, you still have to prepare for it to ensure your safety and to enjoy its maximum benefits.


The very first thing you have to do is set a consultation with your aesthetics service provider to discuss your game plan. They will give a thorough examination of your lips to determine what kind of shape would suit you best. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2vDiR8H

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Getting Botox for the First Time? Here’s What to Expect

If 40 is the new 30, then 30 is the new 20. Indeed, this is one of the most exciting times of your life. You’ve had a decade of life and work experience behind you, yet you’re still young enough to do a pivot if you choose to change careers or move to another country.

Perhaps the only downside of this age range is the fact that signs of aging will inevitably start showing. For some people, it begins in the delicate area around the eyes; for others, it manifests as so-called laugh lines. Whatever the case, your 30s is definitely the time to get serious about your anti-aging routine.

One of the most popular and effective options these days is botox, a minimally invasive procedure that involves injecting onabotulinumtoxinA into the face. This substance blocks the signal between the brain and the facial muscles, which prevents you from frowning and doing other things that can cause the development of wrinkles. Thanks to its efficacy in preventing signs of aging, about 6.7 million people got this procedure done in 2015 alone. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2x3OpYR

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Fat Freezing Is An Effective Way to Contour Your Problem Areas

When it comes to losing that belly, one of the first solutions that people think about is sweating it out in the gym. While exercise definitely goes a long way towards torching the fat, it’s not always effective at contouring your problem areas, such as the belly and outer thighs.

For one thing, spot reduction is a myth: doing a thousand crunches a day won’t give you a toned tummy. If you create a calorie deficit, your body will burn the fat from all over your body—not just one particular spot. What’s more, each body is different, which means that some people might lose fat relatively quickly around the thighs, while others might find it nigh impossible. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2vE7woW

Monday, July 31, 2017

CoolSculpting Exemplifies the Benefits of Non-Invasive Procedures for Fat Reduction

If you’re like most people, you aspire to achieving a trim and flat stomach. Just as those who aspire toward this goal, you probably also struggle to rid the last bit of fat in your lower belly.

Don’t despair, though. Part of the of the reason for this fat lies in your biology. The body’s fat cells actually contain two types of receptors: alpha and beta. The former inhibits the oxidation and release of fats as energy, while the latter promotes it. It turns out that fat cells in the belly area maintain a higher ratio of alpha than beta receptors, which explains why belly bounce is so hard to eliminate.

The Answer Isn’t Always Invasive

Of course, if you can’t burn off the stubborn fat, you can turn to medical experts who can provide treatments to address this issue. In recent years, liposuction has become increasingly mainstream, with about 220,000 procedures performed in 2014 alone. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2x3NlEr

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Adopt These Measures, Including Body Contouring, to Combat Flabbiness After Weight Loss

Losing even a little weight is a huge achievement, but losing 50 pounds or more is nothing short of a crowning moment. However, your struggle may simply shift to a different battlefield. When you rapidly lose a lot of weight, you’re sometimes left with flabby skin, lacking much mass, especially around your arms, legs, and midsection.

Why does this happen? As you might know, the skin is a living organ and adapts by gradually stretching or expanding when you gain weight. When you lose weight, your skin’s elasticity does not have enough time to adapt to your body’s new shape. It remains loose and flabby as a result.

Wielding excess skin rivals excess weight in unsightliness. It also minimizes all of your hard work toward trimming all those pounds. However, you can mitigate your weight-loss flab by adopting some routines and even exploring an advanced treatment toward tightening up. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2vE2854

Monday, July 24, 2017

Why Choose the Skin Tightening Procedure of Neocollagenesis

Your skin usually shows the first evident signs of aging on your body. It develops fine wrinkles that only become deeper and multiply over time. To reduce or deter the aging-skin process, many people look to skin tightening procedures.

Emerging treatments for skin rejuvenation involve radio-frequency and electromagnetic fields. Venus Legacy, for instance, combines radio frequency and electromagnetic fields to promote neocollagenesis, which refers to the process of generating more collagen. Collagen lifts and firms up the skin. Neocollagenesis continues to meet clinical testing standards for effectiveness and safety over the past five years. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2x3ZaKV

Friday, July 21, 2017

Top Three Reasons to Prefer the Non-Surgical Liposuction Procedure, Cryolipolysis

Overweight people have difficulty in finding time to focus on their weight loss regimen. As a result, many turn to surgical methods that offer a quick way of removing fats. In fact, since 2013, liposuction procedures on overweight and obese patients have risen. Liposuction has significant risks though such as complications from anesthesia and infections which may lead to death.

To address the hazards of liposuction, Dieter Manstein from the Massachusetts General Hospital and Rox Anderson from the Harvard Medical School developed a new non-invasive method that freezes fat called cryolipolysis (or CoolSculpting).

During a session, an applicator is placed on the targeted area and then set at a particular cooling temperature for a certain duration. CoolSculpting attacks adipocytes or fatty tissues while leaving the skin, muscles, and nerves unscathed. The fatty tissues are then eliminated after the body processes the fat and removes it from the body. An increasing number of clients now prefer non-surgical liposuction, and here are the top three reasons why. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2wLMI2j

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Why Should You Choose Cellulite Reduction Through Neocollagenesis?

At some point in their lives, around 80 to 90% of women will gain cellulite, or skin dimples and nodes forming after subcutaneous fat cut into and distort connective tissues. Though both men and women may develop cellulite, this is more prevalent among women due to their distinct fat, muscle, and connective tissue distribution that allows them to store fats more easily. Furthermore, aging increases the risk of accumulating cellulite because of declining skin elasticity. Pregnancy and weight gain can cause cellulite as well.

To diminish cellulite safely, you can try neocollagenesis, a medical procedure that uses thermal therapy to stimulate collagen production. Several methods are used to prompt neocollagenesis, although non-invasive energy-based systems that apply radio frequency (RF) and electromagnetic pulses are the norm today. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2wLNSe0

Monday, June 26, 2017

A Lip Augmentation Can Do Wonders, So Consider these Details before Committing

Not everyone is born with a pair of Angelina Jolie-like full lips. You may be coming up short in the lips, which can have an effect on other aspects of your life and put a damper on your overall self-esteem.
Lip augmentation addresses this shortcoming by bringing gusto and appeal to one of the most noticeable portions of your face. However, if you’re contemplating such cosmetic improvements, you need to know what the procedure involves.

Who is an Ideal Candidate?

Here is the good news: most women are great candidates for lip augmentation. Age is not really a factor, as long as you’re an adult. Exceptional results can be achieved for those with naturally thin lips or lips that have thinned from normal aging.
But first, you need to assess your own reason to choose lip injections. This is a serious procedure, and one you don’t want to be left second-guessing years ahead. Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2tKQurx

Monday, June 12, 2017

Are You Annoyed With Your Excess Fat? Give Fat Freezing Treatment A Try

Sure, everybody wants to lose inches from certain spots in their body. Excess fat, after all, affects our appearance drastically. The problem is, excess fat can be stubborn and remain in your body despite attempts to engage in a more active lifestyle.

The simple truth is that excess fat has a way of messing with your confidence and emotions. For starters, being fat can trigger depression in a person. Having little or no self-esteem can cause a person to withdraw from society altogether and become clinically depressed. At the same time, feeling fat can also cause a person to further seek comfort in food. This is known as emotional eating and it affects many children and adults today.

This only proves that taking measures to get rid of extra fat in your body is not just good for your appearance but, your emotional and mental health as well. That said, there is a way to lose some fat cells from your body safely and quickly. This is known as fat freezing. Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2tKFL09

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Here’s Why Botox Is More Effective For Stress Than You Think

Stress afflicts almost everyone in the modern world. As you experience a great deal of stress, you end up with lines and wrinkles on your face. You just wish they would disappear, except they just keep looking worse as time passes. Fortunately, you can easily remove years of your face with a convenient botox treatment.

Botox is an easy procedure that only takes a few minutes. With a simple injection, it blocks signals from the nerves to your muscles. When this happens, the wrinkles on your face soften and relax, making you look younger. It’s also effective in getting rid of crow’s feet, forehead lines, and frown lines.

Aside from giving you a more youthful glow, a botox treatment is also effective against other effects of everyday stress. That’s exactly why the use of botox has already been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. To give you a better idea, here are common stress-related issues that botox can also address. Read more on this article. http://bit.ly/2qzRtpN

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

CoolSculpting: Find Out If This Treatment Is Right For You Today

At some point, you have heard about CoolSculpting. How can you not? The procedure is revolutionary. It’s literally the coolest way to shed off excess fat in various parts of your body. The best part? There is no diet or sweating at the gym required.

The changes following this unique treatment can become noticeable at 3-4 weeks post treatment, with most significant changes found a few months after treatment with Coolsculpting from Zeltiq.. However, results vary on different body areas. For instance, you may easily notice positive results when you treat the areas around the abdomen and waist, for men and women. This is because CoolSculpting leads to a better body proportion overall, making you more confident about wearing outfits that you never imagined would look amazing on your body.

It’s always a good idea to find out if CoolSculpting is right for you before you even consider trying the treatment. Come to think of it, all you really need to do is ask yourself certain questions. Read more from this blog. http://bit.ly/2rTcxuY