
Thursday, October 12, 2017

What You Need to Know About Botox and How It May Benefit You

Aging skin has reduced elasticity, often resulting in noticeable lines and wrinkles in visible areas that become more prominent with normal facial expressions. Approved for use for cosmetic purposes since the late 1980s, Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA) has become a reliable treatment for patients wishing to avoid plastic surgery as an option or wanting to address imperfections.

Much has been said about the numerous benefits of Botox, but do you actually know how it benefits you?

How Botox Treatment Works

Botox works by blocking signals sent from nerves to muscles. The botulinum toxin removes wrinkles by temporarily paralyzing muscles so they aren't able to contract. Performed an outpatient treatment, Botox is administered to the affected area in the form of an injection. A fine needle is used to place the injection into specific muscles causing the wrinkles or lines. Any discomfort experienced during treatment is usually mild. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2yaLiz4

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

4 Reasons to Consider CoolSculpting in Removing Stubborn Fat

Involving the use of controlled cooling, the purpose of CoolSculpting (cryolipolysis) is to eliminate fat that won't go away with diet and exercise efforts. The treatment targets and kills fat cells in common "stubborn areas" in the thighs, abdomen, and flank (upper abdomen, back, and sides).

If you are still on the fence about CoolSculpting, here are four reasons to consider the treatment to address stubborn fat problems.

CoolSculpting Is Non-Invasive

CoolSculpting is not a surgical procedure, nor is it a procedure like liposuction or gastric bypass. The non-invasive treatment is done as an outpatient procedure and can be completed during a typical lunch break. In fact, sessions typically last about an hour. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2y7ugQh

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Skin Tightening Can Be a Vital Part of Prep for Female Fitness Competitors

Many women are discovering that sports like bodybuilding and fitness competitions are providing women of all ages a way to shape their bodies. With the rigors of strict dieting and frequent gym training, at the end, most female bodybuilding competitors have one great concern. This is the look of their skin.

Tone, evenness, and tightness are key factors in staged competitions -- which is why competitors lather tanning products on their skin to give their bodies more definition under the lights. Non-surgical skin tightening techniques are another great way for them to supplement training and look their best. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2yU3p9m